Wednesday, July 15, 2009,

I keep seeing this in a bunch of different magazines, where people use 6 words to describe something. I thought I'd try it myself :)
Thank you all for putting up with me all these times :)

You make me smile too easily :)
Page I'll never forget everything you gave!
Simon Drive carefully & visit next year; bye :(
Janet Flew away (literally); miss you greatly
Karen Truly selfless; sun during rainy days
Ed Stop cheating, noob, but keep rapping ;)
Monique Gangsta; he will do, I suppose x)
Jenny For the memories and lessons, thanks
Dong Don't make me a paranoid mom =O=;;
Andy I hope those "ok"s become "awesome"s :)
Alex So stubborn, but appreciate the frankness
Rudi Miss you; we never hung out :(
Christy Much appreciation; sorry for hurtful moments
Stephen Beat- amazing overall, deserves better, love :)
Peter No more cookies, please; hurry back
Dennis Your smiles are contagious, high five!
Umeki Always making me smile and laugh :D
Dannielle Freaking me out; it's your job XD
Vish Closet Hannah Montana lover, admit it >:)
Sara Rumors mean nothing; nice, fun, courageous
Christina Amazingly optimistic; Prince Charming is lucky

7:29 PM

Saturday, July 11, 2009,

Since I started this blog, I thought it would be interesting to go through my old diaries and journals for a bit of inspiration- an idea of what to blog about first. I don't think I've ever laughed at myself this much in a while.
So there are 2 prominent subjects that pretty much make up all my entries: boys and rants. Boy was I boy-crazy. I actually kept track of when I mentioned a new crush; there was usually only a span of a few months (or less) between each boy! o___O Ahhh, hormones. Gotta love them ;D.
Rants made up about 80% of all my entries. I ranted about school, family, friends, boys. But as I was flipping through all those pages (I found 3 diaries) I realized that I barely wrote about anything positive (unless I was recording what I received on Christmas or my birthday, good gosh =____=;;). I'd like to think I've come a long way since those times when I was an even bigger drama queen than I am now XD
I'm not quite sure how to articulate what I'm trying to say on the internet, but I guess my main point is that I want this blog to be a memento of all the good and bad experiences I'll have.
I will do my best to appreciate the simple things in life so that the number of bad posts won't completely outnumber the number of good posts again :)

So here's a toast to:
1. Being able to see the sun
2. Having a family whom I can get along with and fight with and love always
3. Eating a smiley face breakfast- with the egg eyes and bacon smile
4. Playing with my brother and cousins at the pool and that feeling of pride when they learn something new from me
5. Having friends who listen to my rants then return the favor
6. Growing little by little in my faith
7. Letting a spider free outside instead of killing it
8. Celebrating the 4th of July with messy games and a delicious bbq meal
9. Kimchi- the best side dish since french fries
10. Playing tennis at 8 in the morning
11. Having my cousin jump on me to wake me up
12. Watching a movie and having dinner with the entire family
13. Singing in the shower then having my aunt tell me to shut up and hurry up
14. Splashing others and getting splashed yourself
15. Water balloon fights and trips to the park
and much, much more :)

God, thank you for the simple things, the sad things, the crazy things. Thank you for everything :)

Le soleil brille toujours :)

12:24 AM

Thursday, July 9, 2009,

I guess I'm part of the community now x)
I'm only posting this up so I can change my layout. More to come?
Also, how in the world do I change my song?
Although I have to admit, the current one is nice :)

8:54 PM

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